Sunday, 3 November 2013

Tetris effect

So, what is tetris effect? The name is actually from the game tetris itself. It is the feeling of after playing the game for so long your brain's eye actually can still see the blocks and stacking them, the tetris effect is not only exclusive for the game tetris. It is also applicable in other games and some life experiences, for example is having a jet lag because you've been inside a flying plane for hours and after you board down you feel dizzy it still feels like you are inside a plane, that is because your brain still thinks of that situation and would take time to recover.

So there is this Article I found in the internet titled "Dream machine" from the website by Francis F. Steen. This article is about a experiment made by the scientists,they made 27 amnesia patients to play tetris for 3 days, 7 hours a day.  People who are expert and novice at playing the game, The scientists monitored their dreams in their sleep and 17 out of 27 people reported that they have dreamed about tetris pieces falling and more dreams came in the second night.

"People who devote a sufficient amount of time and attention with routine Tetris playing may begin to start seeing Tetris shapes and movements as a form of either habit or Hallucination in the corner of their eye or when falling asleep. You may perceive Tetris shapes that aren't there, or think of flipping around real-life objects as if they are Tetris shapes. "

This is quoted from the website titled "There is an actual condition called the Tetris effect. It makes you see the Tetris shapes WHEN YOU'RE NOT PLAYING THE GAME" by Sebastian, FL. As a gamer I can really relate to this, for example is after I play I game for almost 6 hours like DOTA (Defense Of The Ancients) I am still hearing the characters voices and imagining what if I can use this skill to this specific experience I am encountering and in many times already I dreamed of playing it.

So, I think if we play a game or do something for hours before going to bed. There is a high chance that it will eventually be in our dream. So

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Famous Psychic Dreams

The last blogpost was about déjà vu and precognitive dreams, this post will be about famous psychic dreams, those well known personalities that dreamed of death, tragedies and happenings. To get to know more about the topic I will be telling about the difference about deja vu and psychic dream. deja vu is repetition of the same experience it can be not the exact same detail of what happen from the past to what happened in your experience, the past can either be a dream or something that really happened to you while psychic dream or precognitive dream are dreams that appears to be predicting the future.

There is an article in the internet from the site by Rebecca Turner entitled "Precognitive Dreams". In this article the author talked about first, what is precognitive dream and gave an example of a girl who have dreamed that she is pregnant and after three weeks she discovered that she is. And also in this article, it is told that before the titanic sank hundreds of people already reported that they have dreamed of it sinking.  And tackled some of the most famous physics dream.

According to Robert Todd Carroll, author of The Skeptic's Dictionary, "having dreams that predict the future is all a numbers game: there are 6.5 billion people on this planet, each having an average of five dreams per night. In turn, those dreams support multiple dream themes, such as sinking ships or airplane crashes. It is therefore highly likely that many thousands of people will dream about a sinking ship on any given night."

As Robert Todd Carroll said. There really is a huge chance that most of these people who have dreamed of the titanic sinking is not a big deal at all, and I also remembered the famous line said about the ship  "Not even God himself could sink this ship." - Employee of the White Star Line, at the launch of the Titanic, May 31, 1911. In my opinion, this statement made it more possible to people to have a precognitive dream about the ship sinking.

In 1865, two weeks before he was shot dead, Abraham Lincoln had a psychic dream about a funeral at the White House. In the dream, he asked someone who was in the casket and they replied, "the president of the United States". He told his wife about the dream but neither of them took it to heart - for on the night of his assassination he gave his bodyguard the night off.

To dream of your death is really scary, but we cannot be so sure about what will happen.  After all, a dream is just a dream, we all know that dreams don't happen exactly like what will happen in reality and dreams are just too abstract so it's hard to say if we will take it serious.

Déjà vu

I'll start this blog by giving out the meaning of Déjà vu. It is from French, literally "already seen", It is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience currently being experienced has been experienced in the past, whether it has actually happened or not. There are some people I know who

experience this thing many times. In all of us, there comes a time when we pass through something we stop and think "I think I have seen this place before" or "This face looks familiar" but there is no way you can see it or the person before because of you've never been to that place before. And some are we think as repeated experiences, things that we think happened before but we just can't tell when.

I browsed through the internet to look for things that has something to do with déjà vu, and I found out an article entitled "How Déjà Vu Works" by Lee Ann Obringer from the site In this article the author talked first about there are things that are not real déjà vu. Example of this are the hallucinations that are brought by illness or drugs that some people mostly call as déjà vu experience but in reality they are just hallucinating.

In this article it is stated that "Deja vu is the feeling that you have experienced a situation before even though you know you haven't."

Why do we think we experienced something event tough we haven't? I'ts because of our dreams. Our subconscious create a place where it wants us to go. Most places are combinations of places from our memories or sometimes an exact place of something that pass through our eyes but we didn't really noticed it. And when it comes to meeting people in our dreams which we really don't know, it is still our subconscious creating those people, the subconscious is in charge of making a new person, of their personality, of how they look and of how they will act. Sometimes the scenario becomes the same thing that we will be experiencing in the future, and that is déjà vu.

Friday, 1 November 2013

The Power of Meditation

Before, meditation is only known as monks practice of freeing their mind and cleansing their soul. Meditation is most popular in buddhist countries like Thailand, Cambodia, South Korea, India, Sri Lanka, Tibet, Laos, Vietnam, Japan, Macau and Taiwan. The main benefit of meditation are relaxation, self awareness, management of stress and getting rid of negative emotions.

I've read this article about meditation entitled "Meditation is that which gives you deep rest" By Konstantin Dragov from the site

It says there that meditation is a fast and simple way to reduce stress, a good meditation is better than a full sleep, and in this article there is a short clip about the difference of meditation then and now. It is said there that in old times meditations was used by the worlds first scientists in discovering things for example is the human body, mind and consciousness. And it is stated there that meditation can help cure conditions like anxiety, allergies, depression, fatigue, pain and sleeping problems.

 The sleep benefits of meditation may also help sufferers of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Research has already shown a deficiency of slow-wave sleep is present in most CFS patients. Deep meditation that promotes heightened Theta and Delta activity in the brain can help to compensate for the lost time in the Delta state during sleep.. From the Article The Top 5 Reasons You Should Try Meditation from

At first I didn't know that meditation can help a person with his dreams. Meditation can help by making you relaxed and more free from negative feelings and makes you more known to yourself and your body and it also helps with recalling a dream at the moment you wake up, because as said in the article, the more stressed you are the harder it is for you to recall your dreams.

Most of us has been uninterested to try meditation before because we thought of it as a practice of monks and buddhists until it was adapted by other countries because now, more and more people are discovering the many benefits of meditation.